Mary McIntosh - Textile Artist
Mary McIntosh - Textile Artist

To order any of these packs please email

Pojagi Log Cabin

- 0.5metres of white cotton organdie

- Four pieces of coloured cotton organdie

Various colourways available. Blues, greens, yellows, pinks, purples. Pastels. Hots. 

- Full set of instructions


£30 plus £3 postage


Makes a double-sided hanging approx 20" x 30"

Pojagi Bargello


- 0.5 metres white cotton organdie

- Five pieces of coloured cotton organdie 3" x 20"

- Full set of instructions


Range of colourways available: brights, pastels, hots


£25 plus £3 postage


Makes a double sided hanging 16" x 30"


Pojagi Hot Logs


- O.5metres black cotton organdie

- Four pieces of coloured cotton organdie 10" x 20"

- Full set of instructions


Range of colourways available: Hot pinks, cool blues, cool greens, passionate purples, warm yellows


£30 plus £3 postage


Makes a double-sided hanging approx 20" x 30"

Pojagi Crazy


- 0.5metres White or Black cotton organdie

- Four pieces of coloured organdie 10" x 20"

- Full set of instructions


Range of colourways available: bolds, hots, cools, pastels, brights


£30 plus £3 postage


Makes a double-sided hanging approx 20" x 30"

Shrivel Up and Dye 

- 18" square of shrinkable wool fleece

- lots of natural fabrics (silks, velvet, linen, cottons, lace and tape)

- set of instructions

*please note that the dye is not included

£20 plus £3 p&p

Shrinkable base fabric only

To use with your own fabrics

- 18" square of Artic wool fleece


£5 plus £1p&p


Putting on the Glitz pack (green colourway)

- 12" x 20" piece of black cotton velvet

- freezer paper

- bondaweb

- Three green bonded sheer organzas

- Three transfoils

- Three glitter films

- Set of instructions

*please note the fabric paints are not included

£25 plus £3 p&p


Putting on the Glitz (blue colourway)

Contents as above but with blue/silver colours

Putting on the Glitz (gold/copper/bronze colourway)

Contents as above but with gold and metal colours

Thread Bowls Pack

- heavyweight soluble film

- five different glitzy sheers*

- full set of instructions


*available in colourways:

Silver, Gold. Copper, Greens, Blues, Purples, frosty whites

£10 plus £3 postage


Please note that threads are not included




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